Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who is Orkut !!!!!!!!
A guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident....
but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list.
This guy grew up n became IT technical architect in his late 20?s, achievement in itself!!
He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a software where he could search for his gf through the web..
Things went as planned and he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!!
It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google had a word with this guy n took over this application,
This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year,
Which we today know as ORKUT.
The guy's name is ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN Yes its named after him only. Today he is paid a hefty sum by Google for the things we do like scrapping. He is expected to b the richest person by 2009..
ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN today has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 to monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scraps!!!
Some other Cool Facts about this guy:
* He gets $12 from Google when every person registers to this website.
* He also gets $10 when you add somebody as a friend.
* He gets $8 when your friend's friend adds you as a friend & gets $6 if anybody adds you as friend in the resulting chain.
* He gets $5 when you scrap somebody & $4 when somebody scraps you.
* He also gets $200 for each photograph you upload on Orkut.
* He gets $2.5 when you add your friend in the crush-list or in the hot-list.
* He gets $2 when you become somebody's fan.
* He gets $1.5 when somebody else becomes your fan.
* He even gets $1 every time you logout of Orkut.
* He gets $0.5 every time you just change your profile-photograph.
* He also gets $0...5 every time you read your friend's scrap-book & $0.5 every time
you view your friend's friend-list.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Below is a complete list of HTML tags from the HTML 4.01 specification. The HTML tags are listed according to relatively relation with previous tab to help you quickly find the tag you're looking for.
Click on link to download the file.
Click on link to download the file.
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIME Types
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an Internet standard for describes message content types.MIME is a standard for describing different types of information This was originally meant to be used to specify encoding for different types of information into text. This made it possible to send them as e-mail.
The standard MIME is also used in other types of communication where there is a need for specifying which type of information is used. This could be your local operating system or a web server.
MIME defines mechanisms for sending other kinds of information in e-mail. These include text in languages other than English using character encodings other than ASCII, and 8-bit binary content such as files containing images, sounds, movies, and computer programs. MIME is also a fundamental component of communication protocols such as HTTP, which requires that data be transmitted in the context of e-mail-like messages even though the data might not (and usually doesn't) actually have anything to do with e-mail. Mapping messages into and out of MIME format is typically done automatically by an e-mail client or by mail servers when sending or receiving Internet (SMTP/MIME) e-mail.
How do I read MIME in my mail?
Mime is just a specification. Normally the information is encoded with some other standard format. When decoded it regains it original shape.
To be able to read the file you need an application that can handle the attached file. If two files, a word document and a image is sent by email they would both get encoded as mime. Upon receiving these files there need to be an application associated with each file type. Microsoft word or maybe another word processor would be associated with the word document making it possible to read the file. Photoshop or another image viewer would be associated with the image.
Normally the conversion from MIME to files is handled by the e-mail application. When the file is stored on disk it is up to the operating system to map an application to file type.
MIME messages can contain text, images, audio, video, and other application-specific data.
Official MIME info is provided by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the following documents:
- RFC-822 Standard for ARPA Internet text messages
- RFC-2045 MIME Part 1: Format of Internet Message Bodies
- RFC-2046 MIME Part 2: Media Types
- RFC-2047 MIME Part 3: Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text
- RFC-2048 MIME Part 4: Registration Procedures
- RFC-2049 MIME Part 5: Conformance Criteria and Examples
The reference below is a list of MIME types supported by Microsoft Internet Information Server version 5.
MIME Types
MIME Types (Application):
Type/sub-type | Extension |
application/envoy | evy |
application/fractals | fif |
application/futuresplash | spl |
application/hta | hta |
application/internet-property-stream | acx |
application/mac-binhex40 | hqx |
application/msword | doc |
application/msword | dot |
application/octet-stream | * |
application/octet-stream | bin |
application/octet-stream | class |
application/octet-stream | dms |
application/octet-stream | exe |
application/octet-stream | lha |
application/octet-stream | lzh |
application/oda | oda |
application/olescript | axs |
application/pdf | |
application/pics-rules | prf |
application/pkcs10 | p10 |
application/pkix-crl | crl |
application/postscript | ai |
application/postscript | eps |
application/postscript | ps |
application/rtf | rtf |
application/set-payment-initiation | setpay |
application/set-registration-initiation | setreg |
application/ | xla |
application/ | xlc |
application/ | xlm |
application/ | xls |
application/ | xlt |
application/ | xlw |
application/ | msg |
application/ | sst |
application/ | cat |
application/ | stl |
application/ | pot |
application/ | pps |
application/ | ppt |
application/ | mpp |
application/ | wcm |
application/ | wdb |
application/ | wks |
application/ | wps |
application/winhlp | hlp |
application/x-bcpio | bcpio |
application/x-cdf | cdf |
application/x-compress | z |
application/x-compressed | tgz |
application/x-cpio | cpio |
application/x-csh | csh |
application/x-director | dcr |
application/x-director | dir |
application/x-director | dxr |
application/x-dvi | dvi |
application/x-gtar | gtar |
application/x-gzip | gz |
application/x-hdf | hdf |
application/x-internet-signup | ins |
application/x-internet-signup | isp |
application/x-iphone | iii |
application/x-javascript | js |
application/x-latex | latex |
application/x-msaccess | mdb |
application/x-mscardfile | crd |
application/x-msclip | clp |
application/x-msdownload | dll |
application/x-msmediaview | m13 |
application/x-msmediaview | m14 |
application/x-msmediaview | mvb |
application/x-msmetafile | wmf |
application/x-msmoney | mny |
application/x-mspublisher | pub |
application/x-msschedule | scd |
application/x-msterminal | trm |
application/x-mswrite | wri |
application/x-netcdf | cdf |
application/x-netcdf | nc |
application/x-perfmon | pma |
application/x-perfmon | pmc |
application/x-perfmon | pml |
application/x-perfmon | pmr |
application/x-perfmon | pmw |
application/x-pkcs12 | p12 |
application/x-pkcs12 | pfx |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | p7b |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates | spc |
application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp | p7r |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | p7c |
application/x-pkcs7-mime | p7m |
application/x-pkcs7-signature | p7s |
application/x-sh | sh |
application/x-shar | shar |
application/x-shockwave-flash | swf |
application/x-stuffit | sit |
application/x-sv4cpio | sv4cpio |
application/x-sv4crc | sv4crc |
application/x-tar | tar |
application/x-tcl | tcl |
application/x-tex | tex |
application/x-texinfo | texi |
application/x-texinfo | texinfo |
application/x-troff | roff |
application/x-troff | t |
application/x-troff | tr |
application/x-troff-man | man |
application/x-troff-me | me |
application/x-troff-ms | ms |
application/x-ustar | ustar |
application/x-wais-source | src |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | cer |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | crt |
application/x-x509-ca-cert | der |
application/ | pko |
application/zip | zip |
MIME Types (Audio):
audio/basic | au |
audio/basic | snd |
audio/mid | mid |
audio/mid | rmi |
audio/mpeg | mp3 |
audio/x-aiff | aif |
audio/x-aiff | aifc |
audio/x-aiff | aiff |
audio/x-mpegurl | m3u |
audio/x-pn-realaudio | ra |
audio/x-pn-realaudio | ram |
audio/x-wav | wav |
MIME Types (Image):
image/bmp | bmp |
image/cis-cod | cod |
image/gif | gif |
image/ief | ief |
image/jpeg | jpe |
image/jpeg | jpeg |
image/jpeg | jpg |
image/pipeg | jfif |
image/svg+xml | svg |
image/tiff | tif |
image/tiff | tiff |
image/x-cmu-raster | ras |
image/x-cmx | cmx |
image/x-icon | ico |
image/x-portable-anymap | pnm |
image/x-portable-bitmap | pbm |
image/x-portable-graymap | pgm |
image/x-portable-pixmap | ppm |
image/x-rgb | rgb |
image/x-xbitmap | xbm |
image/x-xpixmap | xpm |
image/x-xwindowdump | xwd |
MIME Types (Message):
message/rfc822 | mht |
message/rfc822 | mhtml |
message/rfc822 | nws |
MIME Types (Text):
text/css | css |
text/h323 | 323 |
text/html | htm |
text/html | html |
text/html | stm |
text/iuls | uls |
text/plain | bas |
text/plain | c |
text/plain | h |
text/plain | txt |
text/richtext | rtx |
text/scriptlet | sct |
text/tab-separated-values | tsv |
text/webviewhtml | htt |
text/x-component | htc |
text/x-setext | etx |
text/x-vcard | vcf |
MIME Types (Video):
video/mpeg | mp2 |
video/mpeg | mpa |
video/mpeg | mpe |
video/mpeg | mpeg |
video/mpeg | mpg |
video/mpeg | mpv2 |
video/quicktime | mov |
video/quicktime | qt |
video/x-la-asf | lsf |
video/x-la-asf | lsx |
video/x-ms-asf | asf |
video/x-ms-asf | asr |
video/x-ms-asf | asx |
video/x-msvideo | avi |
video/x-sgi-movie | movie |
MIME Types (Video):
x-world/x-vrml | flr |
x-world/x-vrml | vrml |
x-world/x-vrml | wrl |
x-world/x-vrml | wrz |
x-world/x-vrml | xaf |
x-world/x-vrml | xof |
Mime Types By File Extension
Extension | Type/sub-type |
application/octet-stream | |
323 | text/h323 |
acx | application/internet-property-stream |
ai | application/postscript |
aif | audio/x-aiff |
aifc | audio/x-aiff |
aiff | audio/x-aiff |
asf | video/x-ms-asf |
asr | video/x-ms-asf |
asx | video/x-ms-asf |
au | audio/basic |
avi | video/x-msvideo |
axs | application/olescript |
bas | text/plain |
bcpio | application/x-bcpio |
bin | application/octet-stream |
bmp | image/bmp |
c | text/plain |
cat | application/ |
cdf | application/x-cdf |
cer | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
class | application/octet-stream |
clp | application/x-msclip |
cmx | image/x-cmx |
cod | image/cis-cod |
cpio | application/x-cpio |
crd | application/x-mscardfile |
crl | application/pkix-crl |
crt | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
csh | application/x-csh |
css | text/css |
dcr | application/x-director |
der | application/x-x509-ca-cert |
dir | application/x-director |
dll | application/x-msdownload |
dms | application/octet-stream |
doc | application/msword |
dot | application/msword |
dvi | application/x-dvi |
dxr | application/x-director |
eps | application/postscript |
etx | text/x-setext |
evy | application/envoy |
exe | application/octet-stream |
fif | application/fractals |
flr | x-world/x-vrml |
gif | image/gif |
gtar | application/x-gtar |
gz | application/x-gzip |
h | text/plain |
hdf | application/x-hdf |
hlp | application/winhlp |
hqx | application/mac-binhex40 |
hta | application/hta |
htc | text/x-component |
htm | text/html |
html | text/html |
htt | text/webviewhtml |
ico | image/x-icon |
ief | image/ief |
iii | application/x-iphone |
ins | application/x-internet-signup |
isp | application/x-internet-signup |
jfif | image/pipeg |
jpe | image/jpeg |
jpeg | image/jpeg |
jpg | image/jpeg |
js | application/x-javascript |
latex | application/x-latex |
lha | application/octet-stream |
lsf | video/x-la-asf |
lsx | video/x-la-asf |
lzh | application/octet-stream |
m13 | application/x-msmediaview |
m14 | application/x-msmediaview |
m3u | audio/x-mpegurl |
man | application/x-troff-man |
mdb | application/x-msaccess |
me | application/x-troff-me |
mht | message/rfc822 |
mhtml | message/rfc822 |
mid | audio/mid |
mny | application/x-msmoney |
mov | video/quicktime |
movie | video/x-sgi-movie |
mp2 | video/mpeg |
mp3 | audio/mpeg |
mpa | video/mpeg |
mpe | video/mpeg |
mpeg | video/mpeg |
mpg | video/mpeg |
mpp | application/ |
mpv2 | video/mpeg |
ms | application/x-troff-ms |
mvb | application/x-msmediaview |
nws | message/rfc822 |
oda | application/oda |
p10 | application/pkcs10 |
p12 | application/x-pkcs12 |
p7b | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
p7c | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
p7m | application/x-pkcs7-mime |
p7r | application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp |
p7s | application/x-pkcs7-signature |
pbm | image/x-portable-bitmap |
application/pdf | |
pfx | application/x-pkcs12 |
pgm | image/x-portable-graymap |
pko | application/ |
pma | application/x-perfmon |
pmc | application/x-perfmon |
pml | application/x-perfmon |
pmr | application/x-perfmon |
pmw | application/x-perfmon |
pnm | image/x-portable-anymap |
pot, | application/ |
ppm | image/x-portable-pixmap |
pps | application/ |
ppt | application/ |
prf | application/pics-rules |
ps | application/postscript |
pub | application/x-mspublisher |
qt | video/quicktime |
ra | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ram | audio/x-pn-realaudio |
ras | image/x-cmu-raster |
rgb | image/x-rgb |
rmi | audio/mid |
roff | application/x-troff |
rtf | application/rtf |
rtx | text/richtext |
scd | application/x-msschedule |
sct | text/scriptlet |
setpay | application/set-payment-initiation |
setreg | application/set-registration-initiation |
sh | application/x-sh |
shar | application/x-shar |
sit | application/x-stuffit |
snd | audio/basic |
spc | application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
spl | application/futuresplash |
src | application/x-wais-source |
sst | application/ |
stl | application/ |
stm | text/html |
svg | image/svg+xml |
sv4cpio | application/x-sv4cpio |
sv4crc | application/x-sv4crc |
swf | application/x-shockwave-flash |
t | application/x-troff |
tar | application/x-tar |
tcl | application/x-tcl |
tex | application/x-tex |
texi | application/x-texinfo |
texinfo | application/x-texinfo |
tgz | application/x-compressed |
tif | image/tiff |
tiff | image/tiff |
tr | application/x-troff |
trm | application/x-msterminal |
tsv | text/tab-separated-values |
txt | text/plain |
uls | text/iuls |
ustar | application/x-ustar |
vcf | text/x-vcard |
vrml | x-world/x-vrml |
wav | audio/x-wav |
wcm | application/ |
wdb | application/ |
wks | application/ |
wmf | application/x-msmetafile |
wps | application/ |
wri | application/x-mswrite |
wrl | x-world/x-vrml |
wrz | x-world/x-vrml |
xaf | x-world/x-vrml |
xbm | image/x-xbitmap |
xla | application/ |
xlc | application/ |
xlm | application/ |
xls | application/ |
xlt | application/ |
xlw | application/ |
xof | x-world/x-vrml |
xpm | image/x-xpixmap |
xwd | image/x-xwindowdump |
z | application/x-compress |
zip | application/zip |
MIME Technical Summary
MIME is defined by an Internet standard document called RFC1521. This document summarizes the contents of RFC1521. Sufficient detail is presented here to understand the capabilities of MIME. For sufficient detail to implement MIME please read RFC1521.MIME allows messages to contain multiple objects. When multiple objects are in a MIME message, they are represented in a form called a body part. A body part has a header and a body, so it makes sense to speak about the body of a body part. Also, body parts can be nested in bodies that contain one or multiple body parts.
The Content-Type values, subtypes, and parameter names defined in the MIME standard are case-insensitive. However, many parameter values are case sensitive
The MIME standard is written to allow MIME to be extended in certain ways, without having to revise the standard. MIME specifies sets of values that are allowed for various fields and parameters. The provides a procedure for extending these sets of values by registering them with an entity called the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
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